Lixo, quem se lixa? - A documentary about waste disposal
The short documentary “Lixo, quem se lixa?” (“Trash, who cares?”) was produced by Multi Comunicação Corporativa for Brazil’s Public Prosecutor’s Office. The film won the 10th Communication and Justice National Award, under the Institutional Documentary category. The videos have been edited to show only what I have made.
Law Enforcement Office of Pernambuco
This set of videos was produced at Multi Conunicação Corporativa for the Law Enforcement Office of Pernambuco - Brazil. The virtual background for the host, entrances, lower thirds and other animations were produced by me. The videos have been edited to show only what I have made.
Reinações de Narizinho - eBook App Project
This video simulates the interface of a digital book developed by me for the final project of the Design course in Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Brazil. It is a children/teens book written in 1920 by Monteiro Lobato. This digital format is intended to work as an app for tablets. Find more details here.
Law Enforcement Office of Pernambuco
This set of videos was produced at Multi Conunicação Corporativa for the Law Enforcement Office of Pernambuco - Brazil. The virtual background for the host, entrances, lower thirds and other animations were produced by me. The videos have been edited to show only what I have made.
Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics

This and that. We have an award winner here.
