Chelsea Stonerock 的个人资料

Tampa Maid - Harvest Creations

Tampa Maid Harvest Creations
Tampa Maid's Harvest Creations line was launched in Fall of 2013. We introduced their first product, Fried Banana Peppers, through banner ads and print ads strategically placed in restaurant business magazines.
The following Winter of 2014, Harvest Creations expanded their line to include fried green tomatoes and zucchini fries. For this campaign we targeted restaurant managers and chefs looking for something new in their kitchen that can improve multiple dishes and increase revenue.
The Harvest Creations line continues to grow! Having worked on this account for several months, our team had become increasingly familiar with the products and the magazines the media team was placing our ads.
We saw two opportunities: stand out from the crowd of very unappealing competitor ads and tout the specially sourced fresh ingredients Tampa Maid uses to create their Harvest Creations line. 
As Tampa Maid saw continued success with their Harvest Creations line, a new set of products was added to their offering. For this campaign we extended the concept of making the food an art, and highlighted the freshness of the ingredient they use. 
Agency: Spark, Tampa FL
Creative Director: Gordon Weller
Designer: Alex Coyle
Designer: Angus Shafer
Tampa Maid - Harvest Creations

Tampa Maid - Harvest Creations

Tampa Maid Foods, a business to business company known for its line of frozen fried seafood products, branched out and created a new line of frie 阅读更多内容

