This was a level I designed for an art competition at the 2013 East Coast Game Conference.  All models and textures are mine.
UDK Capture the Flag Level

This is a CTF level I built using the Unreal Development Kit in my Level Design class during the 2011 Fall semester.  I am still working on exporting the cinematic out of UDK, so for now I am just posting some still shots that show different aspects of the level. 

All assets in the environment are courtesy of the Unreal Engine and are copyrighted property of Epic Games.

 View from Red Team's base.  The map itself is pretty symmetrical with a team having a flag and vehicles located on opposite sides of the map with a river  and bridge running through the length and width in the middle.
 Low level view of environment.  I used the paint tool for the terrain to create the layers of textures for dirt and grass on the side of the river.  The beams running up to the bridge on the right side support an elevator players can use to get to that side of the bridge.  The bridge would be an ideal sniping/scouting point.
 View of bridge with barrels for cover for shoot outs on bridge.  Side walls can be used for cover while sniping.
 Teleporter located at the end of the bridge.  With the teleporter and elevator on opposite sides of the bridge, players have quick access to it.
 Waterfall with mist particle effects.  The teleporter at the end of the bridge brings the player out under the waterfall.  The vines you see on the side have a ladder volume so the player can get on top of the waterfall for a better view if sniping/scouting.
Overhead view from waterfall.  Both teams have two vehicles located at their base to aid in traversing the map quickly.  The bases are elevated and have jump pads located on either sides to get the player on the base terrain to either capture or defend flags.
Unreal Development Kit

Unreal Development Kit

Simple Capture the Flag level I designed for my Level Design class in 2011 Fall Semester.
