Little Red by Trista Jaszcak (DISCONTINUED COVER)
Loverboy by Trista Jaszczak (DISCONTINUED COVER)
Old Betrays by Melina Turner (Book Not Released Yet April 2015)
Zombie Addiction - Multi-Author Short Story Collection by 
C. M. Wright, S. Cu'Anam Policar, Lee Ryder, Mark Mackey, John Stagman, Dovey Mayali Cralk, GB Banks, Lizbeth Fallon, Kelly J. Erickson, and Timothy Benoit 
Publication Date: October 31, 2013
Available Here: http://amzn.to/1bn6CD3 

This Halloween 2013 release of short stories by multiple authors is full of all things zombie. Authors you know and love, plus some new writers, will take you to the land of the walking dead. Included are new POV's and beginning chapters of new series.
Authors who contributed to this collection are: C. M. Wright, S. Cu'Anam Policar, John Stagman, Lee Ryder, GB Banks, Dovey Mayali Cralk, Kelly J. Erickson, Timothy Benoit, Lizbeth Fallon, Mark Mackey, Noel Craske and Janiera Eldridge.
All proceeds from this story collection will go to help those affected by Orphan Diseases. More information about Orphan Diseases can be found at the links in the back of the book.

Raven's Armor (The Witch Royalty Trilogy Book 1) by
Raven Vincent Walker
Available Here:  http://amzn.to/1D82pZb

Publication Date: August 1, 2014

Change is in the air. Raven's world has always been one shrouded in secrecy. From an early age, he's possessed an astounding, and monstrous ability that he has struggled to master and control. Raven is a Witch, celebrated among his own kind. Now as events threaten to alter the delicate balance between the physical and supernatural worlds, Raven must strike out to learn what secrets have been hidden from him for so long. What can he do? Who can he trust? Raven will only find the answers he seeks if he can find the courage to take that first step out into the world.
On Dreaded Wings: An Urban Fae Anthology: 1st Annual Wolf Paw Publications Charity Anthology by
S. Cu'Anam Policar, C. L. Foster, Bryan R. South, Nachtmahr, Brigid Townsend, Angello Adrien, Scarlett F. Angell, and Lee Ryder
Available Here: http://amzn.to/1O9oa6E 

Publication Date: November 26, 2014
On Dreaded Wings is a collection of Urban Fae stories ranging from YA-18+ written by 8 of the Authors and Staff at Wolf Paw Publications. Half of the Proceeds for sales of this book go to "Scares That Care!". 

"Scares That Care!" is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides money, toys and other items to help sick children. They have two other programs consisting of "Scares For Pairs," where they help women fighting breast cancer and partnered with horror icon Kane Hodder for the "I Helped Kane" program, where they provide assistance to those children who have suffered serious burn injuries. 
They are a 100% VOLUNTEER organization in order to maximize their supporters donations to those who need it!
Wolf Paw Publications' first spell book. If you practice the ways of the craft, you're going to want this book! With everything from rituals, to valuable information, to spells, this grimoire has it all!
"Deviant Witch is a modern expression for an old art. Witches who at the end of the day understand that necessity is necessity and the witch will do whatever it takes to get what they need to live, to survive, to thrive. A Deviant Witch does not adhere to any ethical code of limitation but adheres to their own code of conduct, do what is necessary when it is necessary and honor and take responsibility for whatever it is you choose to do." - Michael Blackthorn "The Deviant Witch"
COMING MAY 1, 2015!

Add it to your TBR: http://bit.ly/1Enp8H5
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eBook Covers

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