Phuong (Kim) Huynh sin profil

Fundraising Event - Masquerade Ball Ticket

Fundraising Event Ticket
RE: Masquerade Fundraiser flyer. This project was the matching design for the event tickets.  At the Organization's President's request, I used last year's ticket format to design a ticket face that would be consistent with previous events. The president was also my sister, which is where my connection to the organization came from. Luckily, everyone liked it.

Even though I created the ticket and designing it helped pay for my lunch that week, one of the things I started thinking about was how organizations could get away from paper-type ticket distribution. It would be nice if the money used to pay for tickets could be received electronically, and if the tickets could be received electronically in return. When my sister first took on the role of president, one of the issues she ran into was an imbalance of money in the treasury account when comparing last year's expenses to the deposits received. The lack of prior year record-keeping and cash-based management hindered her from being able to investigate further. 

RE: I ended up being able to do something similar for my parents later on with gift certificates. So, close enough!
Fundraising Event - Masquerade Ball Ticket

Fundraising Event - Masquerade Ball Ticket

A ticket design for a fundraising event that would host over 200 participants and six organizations.


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