Look On The Blue Side

Above is the OREO Smart Window, combining technology from Samsung
and facial-recognition from Emotient. Watch our case study video below.
Natalie Monte, Art Director
Marissa Ebanks, Art Director
Objective: Connect an audience of your choosing to a product or service from a global brand in a way that wasn’t possible three years ago.

Target: Young Professionals, Gen X

Strategy/Big Idea: Sometimes being blue can be a good thing.

Insight: Mondays are a universal sign of gloom for many working professionals.

Solution: Offer a break from the chaos of Mondays and a moment of happiness through favorite childhood games and free Oreos to gloomy workers.

Skills Demonstrated: Concept, Strategy, Typography, Use of color, Aesthetics, Imagery, Simplicity
Natalie Monte: Strategy, Copy, Creative Direction
Marissa Ebanks: Strategy, Copy, Creative/Art Direction, Animation
Look On The Blue Side
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Look On The Blue Side

Our submission for Future Lions 2015. Natalie Monte, Art Director Marissa Ebanks, Art Director Objective: Connect an audience of your choosing Lire la suite

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