DIMAD is an Assosiation of Designers of Madrid based in La Central de Diseño of Matadero established in 2005. In 2015 Assosiation is celebarting 10 years anniversary.
Task: to create an object/publication for the celebration.
Idea: to create a boardgame based on the traditional ¨Game of the Goose¨, which will be not only entertaining, but educative. 
The game consists 63 cells which are:
- 15 DIMAD cells, includind the Start and the Finish (which come instead of the original "Goose" cells);
- 2 Bridges;
- 1 Inn;
- 1 Well;
- 2 Dices; 
- 1 Labirynth;
- 1 Prison;
- 1 Dead;
- Other cells, which consist drawings of famous designers, emblematic buildings and monuments, main events (artfairs, festivals, exhibitions etc.) and other important design movements, trends and activities which reveal Madrid design scene for the last 10 years. 
The game also contains explanatory cards of each cell. 
Boardgame size - 60x60 cm (20x20 cm folded), hand-drawn illustrations, ink on paper. 
DI_MAD boardgame

DI_MAD boardgame

Boardgame for the 10 years anniversary celebration of the Association of the Designers of Madrid (DIMAD).
