Gustavo Schmidt's profile // HI Creative Task

The 2014 creative task for getting in Hyper Island was all about creating movements, in fact, this was our brief: 
"Choose something that you’re passionate about. How will you create awareness and enable people to lead the change in the future?"
I went for my passion in making and seeing new art. My objective was to create a network where artist can freely connect with each other without any filter barriers and be constantly inspired by other artists all around the globe.
How it works:
Why random?
That way you can reach people outside of your social bubble. How far your work goes is not a question of how many friends you have on facebook. [And who knows, maybe you will meet a cool grafitti artist from Vietnam who wants to showcase your work in his hometown.]
An overview of the app:
Want more details? Check the full presentation on SlideShare: // HI Creative Task
Published: // HI Creative Task

This project is my take on Hyper Island's 2014 Creative Task, part of the application process for the Digital Media Creative course.


Creative Fields