Each dogs resemble my co-worker on my office circa 2013-2014. The boxer with pokeball in his mouth is me! 
The Rotweiller with a scarf is my friend Dhika, he owned a brand of that scarf! The Shiba-inu with the light saber is my boss, my Art Director in my business unit (he's really obsessed with StarWars and Japan-things). The Saluki who look like a skinny Golden Retriver it's Mega, the only woman in my business unit.
This is my other business unit on my office. The Scottish Terrier was my co-workers Indra, you can buy his printed tees on Threadless. Kemal is dominant and calm in the same time (sometimes he's really intimidating), and the German Sheperd suit him. The Dachshund that humping the doll is my another Art Director Nobi, he's oldest among us, and he kinda kinky lol. The Jack Russel Terrier is my good friend Seno, he loves extreme sport especally BMX and skateboarding.
Thanks for watching! you can follow me on instagram
The Canine

The Canine

I dedicating this illustration to my office colleagues circa 2013-2014.



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