Matter and energy are always conserved.
You cannot completely destroy something -that paper you burn turns to ash and heat -the molecules still exist and will eventually become something else.
You cannot create anything from nothing.
Everything in our world is made up of the same thing. We are all particles of stardust. The stout buildings to the blue sky to you and I.
It is obviously not the particles, but their combination that makes something meaning. The existence of our planet, and thus us, is all down to a little anomaly in the gravitational field during the formation of universe.
It is the minute details, even chance, that make up something. And even if all the information is present for everyone to use, we all have our own personal brand of chance.
I think the human mind is the only thing that can create something from absolutely nothing.
Built of Stardust

Built of Stardust

"Built of Stardust" is a series of images that are made up of the combination of outer space and Earthly spaces of Berlin. It is an attempt to il Read More
