
Togoto born as a proposal for a social network, focused on those who are attendees regulars at major events such as conferences and presentations attendees, allowing their interaction during the events in real time. Also provides a digital task management tool for organizers themselves, always keeping them in touch with the people in their charge.
Developed identity represents the permanent connections between different modules, referring to the main task of the brand, as well as the functioning of the application. The two shades of blue looking to be empathetic with the target audience, besides representing sobriety and intelligence.
Togoto nace como una propuesta de red social, enfocada a quienes son asistentes asiduos a eventos de gran magnitud como congresos, cumbres o ponencias, permitiendo su interacción durante los eventos en tiempo real. Además, brinda una herramienta digital de administración de tareas a los propios organizadores, manteniéndolos siempre en contacto con la gente a su cargo.
La identidad desarrollada representa las conexiones permanentes entre diversos módulos, haciendo referencia a la tarea principal de la marca, así como al funcionamiento de la aplicación. Los dos tonos de azul buscan ser empáticos con el público meta, además de representar sobriedad e inteligencia.


Design and development of graphic identity for Togoto, mobile application that enables interaction in real time between attendees of conferences Read More
