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Where is Tram app

Where is Tram?
Where is tram is an app to help you know what is the current station of the tram in Alexandria city, Egypt.
Is it near you or still far. Peoples helping each other by posting real reports about the tram current station.
The app is already published on Play Store for Android with different design but it will be like what you will see very soon. Stay tuned ;)
The Illustration.. I designed this to be used in app walkthrough and the coming app landing page.
A screenshot while working :)
The walkthrough. First kick. Helping you to learn more about the app before you begin.
Help others and tell us where's the tram now!
Here is the current tram stations.
The tram map screen.
About the app screens.
That's all for now.
Thank you for watching. You are awesome.
If you like it, Post your comment and appreciate.
Where is Tram app


Where is Tram app

Where is tram is an app to help you know what is the current station of the tram in Alexandria city, Egypt. Is it near you or still far. Peoples Läs mer
