This project was born as a critique of the Gag Rule, approved at the end of 2014 and which punishes from 100 to 600€ meetings in public spaces and recordings to the police. From €601 to €30,000 for demonstrations in front of Congress or Parliament or to prevent evictions.

Protest (which does not authorize) is born against the Gag Rule through a packaging for a wine that prays "Arise, speak and drink" that besides giving us power uninhibits us to protest and demand. Here it doesn't matter the year of harvest or the grape variety, as it reminds us:"Wine loosens the tongue, wine shuts up the silences... Wine is the consecration of freedom."

Escuela Arte de Jerez
Tutor Marta Villoslada

Year 2015 / Academic Project Escuela de Arte Jerez.

Proyecto para


 Protestad. This project started as a protest against the gag law, a law that slows our freedoms.
