Ryan Hammetts profil

Skeptic Magazine Redesign

Redesign key elements of an existing magazine such as the
masthead, cover page, the table of contents, and one article.
Skeptic Magazine is a publication dedicated to scientific advancements and constant evaluation of views concerning relevant topics. The Skeptic’s Society produces the magazine, and is a dynamic team of enthusiatic debaters and investigators. Skeptic Magazine’s redesign included an emphasis on its informational hierarchy, distribution of color, and overall tone. The redesign gave the magazine a recognizable persona and made their well-written articles more pleasureble to read. This redesign presents Skeptic Magazine as an engaging
conversation about science rather than another set of academic articles.
Skeptic Magazine Redesign

Skeptic Magazine Redesign

This was the third of three major projects in my Graphic Design 3 class with Dr. Tim Speaker.
