2D Compositions to understand the balance between negative and positive spaces.
3D FORMS derived from the above 2D FORMS using different methods
-to understand the visual hierarchy of any 3D form.
-to maintain the balance and contninuity in the same.
-to understand the connect between blank spaces visually by expansion of the 2D form into a space.
3D form of the straight lines composition using blocks of papers with punctures in it.
3D form of the curved lines composition using matchsticks in various ways.
3D form of the mixed lines composition by unfolding the positive spaces to create a space keeping in mind the visual hierarchy and continuity in the space so formed.
Transforming the 3D form to a contextual space(giving the space a meaning)
Scaled down model of the Store
View 1- Entry to the store.
View 2- Wall display.
View 3- Trial Room.
View 4-Billing Counter.
View 5.
View 6.
Thank You
Form-Space Transformation


Form-Space Transformation

To make 2D compositions and convert them to 3D and then transforming it into a contextual space folllowing the principles of DESIGN.


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