"Male Ego", steel sculpture, h = 2,3m
"Female Ego", steel sculpture, h = 2,3m
spring 2015: Rebranding of EGOIST PALACE, nightclub & entertainment complex
Prutska str. 10, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. 
Exterior styling, interior design, sculpting, metal craftwork
View from the inside of the mask:
two faces of people standing behinde the mask
are looking like irises of the mask eyes
Elements of style: male and female ego molecules form a crystal lattice of club life
craftmen team in workshop: 
my old frends from Chernivtsi who helped me to realise this project
EGO statuary of steel

Progetto creato per

EGO statuary of steel

2015: Rebranding of EGOIST PALACE, night entertainment complex, Prutska str. 10, Chernivtsi, Ukraine http://www.egoistpalace.com/ work of extario Leggi di più
