Profilo di Seneca Shireman

Intermediate Photography (Edgy Fashion) 2015

To create a minimum of two images which explore the concepts and ideas of edgy high fashion photography. The concept is to successfully either sell clothes, make-up and/or accessories (jewelry, hair clips) through the visual media of photography by pushing the boundaries of the norm. The item(s) must look flawless and appealing, yet with an alternative raw edge. Demonstrate advanced tonal controls, image adjustments, as well as various digital. Demonstrate the critical and aesthetic skills necessary to effectively assess photographic images.
All of these photos were taken with a Nikon D3200 in the Spring of 2015.
Edgy Twins
Edgy Fashion
Intermediate Photography @ Ivy Tech 2015
Edgy Fashion
Intermediate Photography @ Ivy Tech 2015
Edgy Fashion
Intermediate Photography @ Ivy Tech 2015
Intermediate Photography (Edgy Fashion) 2015

Intermediate Photography (Edgy Fashion) 2015

Create edgy fashion photos
