Yet another iPad stetch! As of recently I have really started to enjoy creating these drawings and illustrations, its a learning expirience and I love the feedback I have been getting so far. This design features an eye along with some halftone and geometric shapes. I took it into Photoshop for some color correction. I also did a neon take on it by adding some of the built in filters inside Photoshop. 
Why are we so attracted by eyes? Why do we see there some magic and mystery? What is so special in our eyes? Why can you define the truth in someone’s eyes? What is the eyes’ Secret?
I honestly haven't used the built in Photoshop filters in so long, they are pretty interesting especially if you stack filters together as I did in this neon design. You can see the neon outlines as well as some stained-glass in the background which I blurred a tiny bit just to create a bit of paralax. 
InkBleed Eye