Spinnerette Dress, 2012
Inspired by the form of the silk-producing spigots on spiders magnified under the microscope, the Spinnerette Dress was made to represent the dark and elegant form of the spider. The Black Widow spider in particular, influenced the powerful, sexy and sensual forms and colours incorporated in the dress. It is made for a show-piece, a runway number or stage impression. 
The main focus of the dress is the prominent epaulets. They take the shapes of 8 spinnerets that glow red through a misty spigot, kept together and molded with aluminum mesh. Exposing the wire underneath mesh commands attention to the intricate inner workings, and fragile state that lies underneath every creature, no matter their powerful form and colourings. Triangle and red designs throughout the piece represent the red triangle markings on the Black Widows back, also keeping a consistent design across the outfit. 
Depending on the movement of the model, the red glow brightens with acceleration and fades when still. This imitates the spider’s stances of attack and hiding away from predators. 
Photos by Kelsey Thomson
Spinnerette Dress

Spinnerette Dress

A wearable technology dress inspired by the Black Widow spider.
