Taisen No Kami is a manga that me and my boyfreind are working on at the moment. Basically the main plot is that all the old gods from Norse, Greek and Egyptian mythologies come together at each turning point of human history and compete for the right to be the main god going forward. As humans have advanced so has the war between gods.
Developing from being simple brawls to advanced tournaments using human vessels . The first was a bloody battle between the Titans and Olympians . The second ensured the dominance of Christianity . The third is set to take place in the modern world.
These human vessals are known as the Dorei and in addition to being a visual representation of their god on the battle field, they contain a portian of their power and a single use summon of a mythical beast from their mythology. 
Before every one comments saying that he needs to be 'taller' ie 7-8ish heads tall or 'hero height' instead of a lowly six, i would just like to point out that it was intentional. While we have gods and human versions of those gods running around and fighting each other, none of them are what i consider 'heros'.  The gods are diminised in power and stature because while the tournament is going on the last winner still has control over the human world and therefore all the worshipors. Meaning all of the competors are running on their 'base' strength without the added bonus believers would give them. The Dorei on the other hand are still human even after all the god's additions and more importantantly considered mere tools by their gods. I have
deliberately made the characters smaller to help that message get across.
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So happy at how this came out. I was worried because this and the next page show the creation of the Dorei which as you might have gathered a really important part of the story
I spent ages designing and drawing and redrawing Olympus just so i could create a world our readers can hopefully believe in.
Hopefully I'll be able to put some more pages  up (even more hopefully some of fight scenes once they have been written) soon but right now these are the pages i am most happy with.
Taisen No Kami

Taisen No Kami

A manga i am working on at the moment.
