A mythical and fictional character based on Sango's, a Yoruba king turned diety, times as a child (there is no account of his childhood, this is where the story was placed). This story and character is a property of IC COMICS, a creative studio in Nigeria. 
I fell in love with this character on first site, and the story is awesome. 
Stage one: Getting the pose and line of action right. Study is paying off!
Stage 2: Clean up the line and blocked in a base colour
Stage 3: Chose a light source and shadow placement. Moved on to adding few details
Stage 4: Long hours into this stage, and I am asking when will this end. Luckly I was enjoying the outcome. Added more details.
Stage 5: Almost done here. I made sure I added enough detail to made it read well and look good. The lightning and emanating light from the core was spread across the scene.  
Stage 6: Awesome yeah!!! I did colour balance, played with a few filter to make the whole composition pop.
Lil'Thunder Fan Art

Project Made For

Lil'Thunder Fan Art

A mythical and fictional character based on Sango's, a Yoruba king turned diety, times as a child (there is no account of his childhood, this is Read More
