Profil von Latrice Lawson

Movie Poster/ DVD Cover Project

My original design for tis Movie poster assignment was to photograph apples in reference to one of the final scenes in The Conformist. In the scene, Marcello (the film's protagonist) is preparing his daughter for bed and she reaches into a basket of apples and grabs the only red one among the green ones. Shortly after she picks the apple, Marcello, an athiest, makes her say a prayer and tucks her in. I believe that moment, which lasts maybe fifteen seconds on screen,  accurately portrays Marcello as the red apple or the conformist. I decided to focus on that moment and the concept of attempting to blend in where you dont belong. Although my original approach involved digital photography, I later opted to use construction paper to stay true to the time period that the film was created in. Overall, I am satisfied with the final movie poster, but in the future, I’d like to incorporate a hand made type to match the constructivist approach used.
Movie Poster/ DVD Cover Project

Movie Poster/ DVD Cover Project

Movie Poster and DVD Cover Design
