Samille Perez sin profil

Sesame Street Contest

The illustration below was a submit work for the Sesame Street Contest(2014) by the website This site is a virtual shop where your art may be adopt to a t-shirt design. My inspiration for the illustration came from how people maintain a fraction of memory of the past. Some may save a photo, paper, card, rock (you name it!), in a special place from their storage. In this case it will be a memory jar. To make it funny the tag has scratch the 'cookie' for the impression to be one of the Cookie Monster's jar. 
Sketch concept. Later it was modified through the process of vectorizing.
Final product vectorize.
Giving color.
In the process. Gave a lot a layers in every character to give a more volume and light. 
Final Product.
Sesame Street Contest

Sesame Street Contest

A submit work for the Sesame Street Contest
