Profil appartenant à CY FI

It's Okay to Be Gay Park

Layout of three walls 
Final model 
It's Okay to Be Gay Park 
Displayed in Gone Today, Here Tomorrow Exhibition at Parsons 
Project Requirements: Design a memorial in New York City, and set it in a location in the city. 
How would you feel if you walked into a room and were judged by countless drag queens, whispering and staring at you? Would you still feel okay, even if everyone said it was okay? My monument is a satire. The visitor feels overwhelmed as soon as they enter the vicinity of the three walls. It’s ridiculous to feel judged by drag-like cartoon characters just as it is ridiculous to judge the LGBT community when we are all being judged on a daily basis. Whether a straight person judging gay people, or gay people judging other gay people it creates a constricting atmosphere. We are all judged, and we all judge but we tell everyone that it’s okay to be the way that they are. Overt and latent functions create an city of illusion that is built from the ignorance of its citizens. In order to disillusion the public, you first have to recognize a problem even when it is kept under hushed tones. 
Location: Christopher Park across from Stonewall bar 
Kate Teale
Integrative Studio 
It's Okay to Be Gay Park
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It's Okay to Be Gay Park

Create a memorial and set it in New York City

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