Susan LaMoreaux's profile

Foundation Work: Methods of Inquiry

A collage inspired by a short poem from an anonymous classmate, and constructed out of rejected prints from the printmaking studio. The piece went through various iterations as I rearranged cut papers on the page before gluing them down. I chose a cyclical composition to give an idea of magnetic flow, and overlaid pieces in the center to create an image which resembles the profile of a face. When viewed from a distance, the piece can also be interpreted as the shape of an eye.
Susan's Stamps Adventure (2013-14)
The final piece from my Methods of Inquiry class, created in response to the prompt of "mapping your year." I made a semi-literal map in the form of a board game loosely based on Monopoly, but with time and courses in place of money and properties. The game board, time cards, and "report cards" were created in Adobe Illustrator, while the paper dice and "adventure" cards were constructed by hand. I love how the finished piece looks, but I have yet to play the game!
**STAMPS logo does not belong to me. It's owned by the Stamps School and by U of M!
Foundation Work: Methods of Inquiry

Foundation Work: Methods of Inquiry

Pieces from Methods of Inquiry, winter 2014, focused on process and iterative creation.
