Perfil de Alisa Krutovsky

Mad Men, Office Life Now & Then: illustration

Mad Men is one of the greatest American TV shows ever made in history of the television. As a tribute to this great show that is airing its final season this year, my agency, Vertic, decided to make a few fun blogs. In this one, I created an infographic that showcases how office life has changed (or not) over the last few decades: from 1960s to 2015. We took the office of the Mad Men's agency Sterling Cooper and compared it to our office at the Vertic. Click here to learn more about this project.
Mad Men, Office Life Now & Then: illustration

Mad Men, Office Life Now & Then: illustration

To pay a tribute to a great American TV show Mad Men, I designed an infographic that showcases how office life has evolved (or not) from the 1960 Leer más
