Profil appartenant à Caitlyn Pozerski

Boston's Finest (12-14-2015)

Caitlyn Pozerski introduces the first artist of the night, Sparrowhawk. Sparrowhawk is a multimedia, self-produced performance artist. 
The next featured artist was Cape Cod's own, Rowlan. 
He brings to the stage Deven Diaz, a rising local R&B artist. 
Our third featured artist was Ambro, well known to the hip-hop scence here. 
Intermission with Chartwells Catering. 
Lewis Morris is the fourth artist to the stage, who produces his own beats and music. Lewis attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design himself. 
Lewis interacting with the crowd. 
Lewis invites Haasan Barclay to join him on the stage. 
Caitlyn redirects the crowd's attention to the side of the room for a performance by the final performance of the night, BLXBX & SAMO. 
BLKBX is a performance artist, self- produced musician, sound designer, and MassArt alumni. 
SAMO is a multi-media artist who uses visuals to communicate the objective of his projection work. 
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Boston's Finest (12-14-2015)
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Boston's Finest (12-14-2015)

Boston's Finest featured the city's own hidden gems of the hip-hop scene. It's purpose was to bring attention to this genre of music and collabor Lire la suite

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