Perfil de Joshua Scott

The Trojan Women- Lighting Design

The Trojan Women 
Dixie State College of Utah - Spring 2011
Black Box Theater
Director - Varlo Davenport
Set Designer - Spencer Potter
Production Objectives:  The director wanted to make this production a metaphor that extended to all women from all times affected by war - past, present, and possibly even future. The director also wanted to make this production one that would be accessible and interesting to a college age audience. We achieved this by being immersive in nature with the space. There were no assigned areas for seating. The audience entered the space and was allowd to sit anywhere there could find so they could be able to identify and relate with the Women of Troy.
In order to find what visual archetypes existed for war and destruction,I used breakup patterens in every ellispodal fixture that had shapes and patterns that were harsh and disruptive. Using the element of haze in the space to immatate smoldering destrutions so shafls of light could pierce through help with the this environment. 
Due to the nature of the scenic element being very broken up and topsy-tervy this provide a wider range of unsettling lighting.  Top-down Lighting Bias - We are perceptually biased for top-down light. When light comes from the bottom up, it is unsettling.
Trojan Women Set with work lights on. The Black Box theater.
Production Photo: The Trojan Women.  Light sources from the lights (flickering flames) under rubble and from below a large grate
Production Photo: The Trojan Women. 
Production Photo: The Trojan Women. 
Production Photo: The Trojan Women. 
Production Photo: The Trojan Women
Production Photo: The Trojan Women. 
Video walk through of the space. Two clips, one with and one without an audience.
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The Trojan Women- Lighting Design
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The Trojan Women- Lighting Design

Lighting Design for Dixie State University's theatre production of The Trojan Women

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