Z de Zers profil

Granada Tierra Soñada - GTS Poster

Similar as a newspaper design, this poster reveals most of the clichés about our city. A dynamic grid layout for topic information regarding life in Granada, idiosyncrasy, economy, population or the geography. Simple icons and a recreation of the city center's typical lettering.
This poster was the begining of a homonimous graphic design proyect made with Vanesa Aguilera.
 We were award with an accesit in the Anuaria 2010 category miscelanea.
Size 50 x 70 cm.
Offset 100 gr/m2
Two direct inks
More GTS proyects in Behance:
Granaina Font
Granada Tierra Soñada - GTS Poster

Granada Tierra Soñada - GTS Poster

GTS Poster is our most valuable treasure, months of investigations and drawings. We offer citizen and tourists a different face of Granada, one b Læs mere
