mush & herbs
Mush & herbs combines delicious, healthy mushrooms with just the right mix of herbs to fully enhance the flavor of the mushroom in your dishes. The mushrooms are naturally dried: it keeps the good qualities of the mushrooms such as taste, vitamins, antioxidants .. but you can keep them much, much longer than fresh ones. It's basically the mushroom without water.
Mush & herbs is focused on the foodie, but wants to be tasted by everybody in the supermarket. So the packaging is a sleeve. This allows you to look what's in the package from the sides. On the outside you get an image of the fresh mushrooms and with the tear-open you get the mush & herbs story and ofcourse the dried mushrooms and herbs-mix, ready to use. Dried mushrooms only need to be soaked in warm water for 30 to 60 minutes and after that they can be prepared as fresh mushrooms.
Created for my final project Brand & Packaging Desgin in Ghent, Belgium. We could choose our own project and had limited restrictions: "Design a brand and packaging with three variants."
My intentions were to design a packaging for food, so I went searching in stores for inspiration. I like mushrooms and I noticed there existed dried mushrooms. Suprisingly every store in town had these in different variants, but they were very hard to find in the shelves... Hidden between soup and conserving jars and just dissappeared there. So I wanted to boost there appearance, but I wanted to add something as well. I visited chefs and taste-experts in town to get there experience on mushrooms and dried mushrooms. They all told me this easy fact that mushrooms get there full flavor thanks to seasoning. Importantly here is that you may not taste the herbs, they are only here for flavor enhancing. 
Thank you for watching!
Frederyk Boudengen
mush & herbs

mush & herbs

Mush & herbs combines delicious, healthy mushrooms with just the right mix of herbs to fully enhance the flavor of the mushroom in your dishes. T Další informace
