Terry Bridges 님의 프로필

Advantage Toothbrush & Floss Holder

Advantage Toothbrush & Floss Holder
Client: Oral-B
Objective: Create a high quality, tooth brush holder that works with
     Advantage Toothpaste and Floss Pack.
Holds two Advantage toothbrushes. 
Holds toothpaste with either screw or flat cap. 
Design for professional environment.
Holder to have clean & sleek look.
Cost: Approximately $0.25 per unit.
Total order: 250,000 units.
Advantage Toothbrush & Floss Holder

Advantage Toothbrush & Floss Holder

Client: Oral-B Objective: Create a high quality, tooth brush holder that works with Advantage Toothpaste and Floss Pack. Holds two Advantage 자세히 보기


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