I barely made it to the #characterdesignchallenge : this is Genny (Gennaro) and he is an Italian gangster. Not the types you see in the Sopranos or the Godfather, no, this is the kind you see in Gomorra.

The face is the only thing I somewhat managed to finish with my right hand, the rest... left hand so... very unpolished and unfinished (especially hands, the shape of the fingers, gun and shoes).

Genny started smoking when he was 11, was caught by the Carabinieri when he was 15 for selling fake phones outside of Main train station - the classic scam where you think you are getting a phone but then you go home and find there's a brick in the box (so don't buy phones from strangers). Eventually his career escalated and he managed to enter the Organized Crime. He handles drug traffic and collection of money from a certain area of the city and a very unfortunate ethnic group.
The G on his chest was a present from his mother for his First Communion. He sometimes replaces it other pendants (Like a medal of S. Gennaro, whom he was named after, the n. 13 - lucky number in Italy - and a pair of gobbi or cornetto). He is very supersticious. He likes the G because it's very Big and super bling bling.
He likes branded stuff - not the super fancy ones like Valentino or Prada - more like local, small italian brands (xoxo) or sports brands. Because of that when he tests new weapons for his boss he removes his clothes - if he spoils them his mom will scold him and he does not want to upset her. 
He likes sunglasses and white shoes.
He has never travelled, the farthest he has gone is probably Sorrento for the holidays, has a very pretty blonde girlfriend with brown eyes, of course his soccer team fan. 
He never finished middle school - dropped out at 12.
(sorry for the long description)


Character Design Challenge for the month of March was: gangsters.
