Flight - Hot Air Balloons
During university I created a series of illustrations around the theme of flight. I focused on three different ideas as I like it when things come as a trio. 
Hot Air Balloons was the first one that I designed. I keep coming back to the balloons every now and a again with a fresh idea on how to portray them. 
Flight - Garden Birds
I have a soft spot for birds and really love drawing them. This time I opted for the familiar birds that we see every day in our gardens and parks. Again, this is a design I keep coming back to and I decided to colour them in 2020 and to remake the pattern design. I wanted to challenge myself so I created an 8 colour palette and stuck to this for all 9 birds. I wanted them to still be recognisable for what they are but I didn't want to use too many different hues to create them. This way they create a nice cohesive colour palette. 
Flight - Hawk Moths
It took me a bit of time to decide what subject matter to choose for my final illustration of the trio and I finally settled on Hawk Moths. I love them but by many moths are considered scary. I wanted to find a way of portraying them that emphasised their beauty. 