scultpure series
A series of sculptures exploring the relationship between language and the senses.
"It is in the way in which words can reach so far and so gently beyond themselves that they are holy. 
It is in their wont of grasping more than they can hold that they are human."
“Texture III: Deep Calls to Deep” 
A small (9” x 11”) wall sculpture in sun-stained cherry commissioned for the meditation chapel of Fredericks Memorial Hospital in Fredericks, Maryland. Verses from Psalm 42 are inscribed in grade 1 braille using steel and brass brad nails. The brass nails inscribe verse 7, reading:
“Deep calls to deep at the noise of your waterfalls; all your waves wash over me.”

It’s an odd and lovely passage, and the chapter as a whole combines awe at the grandeur of Nature with deep inwardness in a surprising way. 
I’m not the first to twist this text in this way. There are no waterfalls here. Deep calls to deep in the touch of skin to skin. In human contact, the waterfalls roar.
Still and all, in the age of splitting atoms, splicing genes, and changing climate, haven’t we ourselves become Forces of Nature?
"To touch is to see is to know"


Sculpture of hands with brass escutcheon pins describing passages of text in braille.


Creative Fields