POTSHERD | Digital Magazine

POTSHERD is a prototype for a digital magazine about two neighborhoods of Milan (Italy), Villapizzone and Ghisolfa. 
The name reflects the mix of cultures and realities which live in the neighborhoods, on different levels of community, interests and lifestyle. Since these are difficult places, we decided to focus on the innovation aspects, and on those local activities which make the neighborhood grow. 
This video shows the navigation format and the main articles of issue #0.
This project was developed for Final Syntesis Lab 
a.a. 2014/15 Politecnico di Milano
Created by Elena Cabitza, Stefano Gaio, Alfredo Monzillo, Lidia Tomasuolo, Wei Yao.
POTSHERD | Digital Magazine
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POTSHERD | Digital Magazine

POTSHERD is a prototype for a digital magazine about two neighborhoods in Milan (IT), developed at Politecnico di Milano.

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