The flight suit is one of many life support systems.  The suit keeps pilots safe from g-force, increased pressure, and reduced oxygen as well as any other things that could go wrong during flight.  This infographic describes flight suits, what makes them important, how they work, and their various parts.  Group project with Zachary Sammartino.
The beginning of the infographic discusses the forces that make flight suits necessary.  Such as describing how g-force feels, when the pilot experiences g-force, and how much oxygen is needed at the higher altitude.
The infographic then looks at the various parts of the flight suit: helmet, life preserver, gloves, exposure suit, rubber suit, flight suit, boots, and survivalist vest.
Finally, the infographic goes into detail about the various items.  It looks at the flame retardancy of Nomex fabric, the pieces of an oxygen mask, and the layers of a flight helmet.
Flight Suit

Flight Suit

An infographic describing the importance of the flight suit as a life support system.
