Megan Scollo's profile

Supreme Heating Website Design

Supreme Heating is an Australian owned company specialising in the latest energy efficient heating solutions for the home and pool.
Project Goals
Redesign existing company website to enhance cross-platform usability and modernise company image.
Creative Solution
The website structure was changed from the origional restricted landscape design to a continuous scroll layout to maximise viewers interaction with the site. Menu categories and pages from this site were also sumarised or erased, and new pages added as a response to trade customer feedback gained through surveys and testing. Additional pages were designed to engage the viewer and gain customer infornmation, such as the Customer Feedback Form, Free Quote Generator and Customer Contact Form. 
The design concept and colour pallette was drawn from the company's style guide and company culture, however, large consideration was held in order to differentiate the site from the competitors who stereotypically used pool and family imagery. The website instead uses bold blocks of blue and yellow colour to reflect the product category, as well as the company logo.
Supreme Heating Website Design

Supreme Heating Website Design

Website Redesign to enhance cross-platform viewing
