Profil appartenant à Jewel Duan

StoryTelling: "KEEP+ING"

An interactive storytelling design.
Making a combination of the culture between China and America.
Hot Tea & Ice Machine
Celsius & Fahrenheit
Chopsticks & Fastfood
Lunar Calender & Calender
Chinese Character & English Words
Through corresponding interactive animation, in the end, users could not only experience my personal feeling about these two culture, but also realize that no matter where we are, we should always "KEEP+ING".
KEEP HOLDING our coverage
KEEP CONVERTING our uncomfortable.
KEEP DIGESTING new knowledge.
KEEP SEARCHING unknowledgeable.
KEEP MATCHING the difference between China and U.S..
StoryTelling: "KEEP+ING"
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StoryTelling: "KEEP+ING"

Final Project for Storytelling Class, still working

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