Created a couple logos for AP Photography.
They didn't give me a specific style, so it was a free for all in terms of
creative concepts. Take a peek:
The logo I started with. I wanted to challenge myself by doing something simple, but also more geometric. I was really inspired by camera lenses, and wanted to incorporate "AP" as well. 
Second logo concept - just an inverted version of the first logo. I liked the idea of less white space to create a bolder logo. The "AP" is also larger in this one. 
A different take on the previous two. I feel like this one incorporates my personal style more, since I like whimsical and freeflowing shapes. 
Decided to invert the last logo and place it on a badge!
They ended up choosing this as their logo as well. 
Logos: AP Photography

Logos: AP Photography

Created logos for AP Photography.
