Perfil de Linda Evans

Which shoes to select for particular season

When selecting the new Timberland shoes or shoes of other brands there are so many important factors to which you need to pay attention to.
            The best choice for any season is the shoes made of natural materials, which will allow the skin to breathe and legs will not interfere with the natural heat exchange. The highly recommended shoes are made of genuine leather, nubuck, suede, textile. Shoes from artificial leather may be hazardous to health, especially for summer shoes. Under the influence of temperature different chemical constituents of this material are beginning to interact with the skin of feet. Besides shoes leatherette does not let to the feet fresh air. As a result, you can earn moisture lesion or fungal diseases.
            If you  buy shoes that are made of artificial materials, make sure that at least the lining of the shoe is made of genuine leather or textiles. Because for your health first of all is important the material, which is in direct contact with your leg.
            You should also pay attention to the material of construction of the insole. Ideally it should absorb odors, remove moisture, kill bacteria. It is perfect when insole is impregnated with special antibacterial agent.
            Do not forget that natural materials, as opposed to the artificial ones eventually will take the shape of the foot. By the way during hot weather your feet will slightly swollen, so keep that in mind if you are going to purchase summer shoes.
            In the summer it is not recommended to wear lacquered shoes, thus they are poorly permit moisture and air. Wearing lacquered  shoes you can go to any celebration and every day is better to have cutout sandals or shoes made of natural materials.
            For spring and autumn it is important to have shoes that do not leak and at the same time allow your foot to breathe. If demi-season shoes or boots are fastened by means of lightning, it should start not too close to the sole, otherwise the feet will get wet if you will step even into the shallow puddle. Unlike summer shoes, boots should not adjoin closely to the foot (you're not going to wear them on bare feet), so you need to try them on wearing thick socks.
            In winter the most important part is the sole of the shoes or boots. It should be thick enough and with a special tread anti-slip. The most secure on the ice is to wear shoes with a variety of tread patterns - for example, one piece in the form of strips, the other is made of rounded protrusions. The heel of the shoe should also have a tread and be made of rubber instead of plastic, so your foot will not slide.
            The best option to keep warmth is leather shoe lined with fur, such as sheep or beaver lamb and fur insole too. Choosing the right winter shoes, you can not be afraid of the severe cold and slippery sidewalks.
            Linda Evans, Fashion expert, provides the interesting info describing various options of Rockport shoes for women for different weather conditions.
Which shoes to select for particular season

Which shoes to select for particular season

In this article you will find interesting info about selecting shoes for women.


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