Laura De Valencia Kirk 的個人檔案

Commune and Memoir | NYC in a word

NY-based Commune and Memoir makes t-shirts that tell the story of New York City in 8 different words: Galvanic, Spectral, Idyllic, Abrasive, Pervasive, Inexhaustible, Fervent, and Elusive. We elevate the city as a work of art that the public can observe, interpret and describe through curated words, offering
an alternative to images as a trip memoir. The words derive from a vast "word collection" that we have been jotting down for years. The collection grew with conversations, street encounters, radio shows, and fascinating readings from Jorge Luis Borges, Paul Auster, Octavio Paz, and Julio Cortázar. We search for city poetry, the materialization of the unspoken, and the description of hidden perceptions.
Commune and Memoir | NYC in a word