"Why the Markets Need a Strong Government Hand"- New York Times
"The Girl In The Picture" - The Atavist
Artwork for "The First To Do It" documentary - ESPN
"Surviving the Ad-pocalypse?" - Traffic Magazine
"Alzheimer's - Killing The Mind First" - Georgia Tech Research Horizons
" How To Know When You’re On Thin Ice At Work" - The Wall Street Journal
"Let It Snow" - Airn
Cover of Teaching Tolerance magazine
"Hospice In Crisis" - Politico
"We Entered the U.S. As Jewish Refugees. Now My Parents Support the Muslim Ban" - The Development Set
"Lessons for Stopping an Adult Cyberbully" - Wall Street Journal
"Down With Bias, Up With Profitability" - World Positive
"A Case for Pushing Yourself in the Wild" - Field & Stream
"Weezer" - Rolling Stone
"We Were Ready" - Teaching Tolerance
"Our Business Is The People's Business" - PardonSnowden.org
"Is The Azura-Edo Indpendent Power Project A Template For Lighting Up Africa?" - Institutional Investor
Web banner for blog "Differences That Make A Difference"
"Cosmos In The Cranium" - Georgia Tech Research Horizons
“Private Eyes on the Mean-ish Streets of Manhattan” - Village Voice
"Can Megyn Kelly Escape Her Past?" - The Atlantic
"Slugging It Out, Inside Obama’s Mind" - New York Times
Profile of local strip club owner Jon Ferraro -Milwaukee Magazine
Poster for NYCFC inaugural home opener
"Lady Leah" - Milwaukee Magazine
"Braveheart Boy" - Milwaukee Magazine
"Martin Jacobson" - Wired
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A collection of editorial work from 2015-present.

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