A reliquary is an object, promotional or presentation mehtod fo rholding a relic. A relic is an object that holds great sentimentality or importance for the owner. The reliquary should communicate how and why the relic is important.
Project Goals:
To recognize the impact of time and movement as they relate to three-dimensional work.  The student will also develop an awareness of how three-dimensional design is used in a variety of art and design fields.
The goal of this project was to create a reliquary for a relic that holds personal value.  I have played the violin for a very long time and music has become a big part of my life.  Thus, I chose to make music my relic.  The reliquary of this composition is my heart, because that is hwere my music comes from.  I express myself and my emotions thourgh my music I play on the violin.  To show that music comes from within me,  I have placed sheets of music from my favorite violin pieces within the heart.  I have also placed notes and a treble clef, formed with wire, coming out of the heart's arteries to show that music flows out of me.  The metronome was used to symbolize the beat of my heart and time.  The metronome will not run forever, similarly I won't live forever and eventually the music I have in me will die with me.
The Reliquary

The Reliquary

This project was created for my Design 3d class at Savannah College of Art and Design
