1984 - Unslave Your Mind | IED

Penguin Books wants to commercialize a fine reprint of George Orwell's 1984 book with the preface and the audiobook by Julian Assange. The campaign is set in London. The goals are making people re-read it, sensitizing them on the theme of freedom and turning it into a best-seller again. If you aren't interested in politics, politics will be interested in you.
We are in a dystopian society where the Party controls the minds and opinions. Trying to be not discovered, the rebels promote and share the book as a symbol and a key to freedom. The campaign shows their vision and the target can identify itself in it. The concept is to sweep away the lies of the Party that hide the truth. "Unslave your mind" is the claim and the message of the rebels.
The book is sold secretly through a modified cover approved in origins by the Party: below it's hidden the true one that the reader will find out by pulling a tab.
1984 is literally thrown on a page of The Guardian and the words of the newspaper are swept away.
Hovering the mouse you can reveal the message of the rebels: unslave your mind.
The interactive billboard creates engagement through the kinect technology: people in the stations and subways are invited to discover the hidden text moving their bodies.
The Party is instilling in the minds of people its own ideals which expand as the ink in the water. The rebels are ready to show the key to freedom with the words of J. Assange.
A special machine is sent to influencers to encrypt their own posts: a limited number of users able to solve these puzzles wins a code if they do it. Through a Facebook tab they can add it to get a copy of this machine. On Pinterest, like in the printing, the book wipes out the pins.
Actors personify a rebel and two police officers of the Party. Before being "arrested" the rebel deliveres the book to some passers in the subway.
This is a university project for IED Milano
Professor: Alessandro Stenco
AY: 2014/15
1984 - Unslave Your Mind | IED

1984 - Unslave Your Mind | IED

Campaign set in London to commercialize a fine reprint of George Orwell's 1984 book with the preface and the audiobook by Julian Assange.
