A concept piece created for our third year short film: Aurora (to be released in early 2016) created within predominantly Side FX's Houdini software together with retouching done in Photoshop.
WIP, Still lots to do here! Really wanted to bring one of my favourite concept artists paintings to life, based off of TienBao's Rose http://thienbao.deviantart.com/art/Rose-433986315 . Once textured properly the plan is to go dynamics crazy but for now I'll leave this here.
This is a still from the opening scene of my second year thesis film "Are You Arcade" Unfortunately this scene was scrapped due to time constraints, but learned a ton! Modelled in Maya, textured in Mudbox and Rendered using Vray and compositing in Nuke :)
Another Screen from my Second year Thesis Film "Are You Arcade?". We were given an audio clip from the 11 second club's website and tasked with creating and animating a scene around it, was an incredible experience! Rendering in Vray, Compositing in Nuke, Modelling and Animation in Maya and Texturing done in Mudbox.
This if Finn! An original character designed for our second year character assessments! What an experience I designed him setting the challenges of learning nhair and creating a mechanical arm.
These are from my first year at the animation school the task being to model, texture and light a bedroom which had to be inspired by a 2D Disney film, I chose Atlantis and I apologize for the the terrible "matte Painting" ocean! The scene was modelled in Maya, textured in photoshop and rendered using mental ray. The second image is an architectural render made for Roma Kitchens for use in a pitch. The turn around time was one week and was rendered in Vray.
These are screengrabs from my mobile commercial made at the end of my first year at The Animation School as part of our product vizualisation module. I set myself the challenge of learning Realflow and using Vray for the first time. Modelling was done in Maya, texturing in Photoshop :)