Edge Studio 的個人檔案David Ardila Diez 的個人檔案

Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition / Graphic Design

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die."
H. P. Lovecraft 

Call of Cthulhu is a roleplaying game based on the worlds of H. P. Lovecraft, in which ordinary people are confronted by the terrifying forces of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Edge Entertainment designed and published the Spanish edition of the sixth edition, originally created by Sandy Petersen and Lynn Willis. 
An distinctive square format was used for this version, in full color. 
Collector's Edition
The Collector’s Edition includes the core book, the screen, a map of Arkham, and some counters and dice for playing the Call of Cthulhu. All of this in a deluxe box with a black texture and the arcane symbol stamped on it, all to go deeper into cosmic horror.
The text that sweeps away reality and the image that takes away your sanity
For the visual design of the Call of Cthulhu, the design team, already familiar with the myths, plunged deep into the extensive documentation, at times hard to find, of the Cthulhu universe and the different time periods it takes place it, with special emphasis on the 20’s and 30’s of the last century.
The period designs of the original publications of the stories and similar editions were carefully studied. This was illuminating, and inspired the double splash pages that open each chapter, inspired on fictional stories from the era or movie and other shows from that time.
The reader is lead to experience the book as an investigator of the Cthulhu myths would: picking-up the book takes one on a continuous journey of exploration, mystery, and horror, as every section, every chapter, every corner visually reinforces and deepens the text. Each turn of a page is a review of the notes of earlier investigators of the Myths: it make take several readings to uncover and assimilate all that is enclosed in this role-playing game.
A transition into madness
The more the reader reads, and the more knowledge the reader gains, the more sanity will be lost. Some columns of text will no longer seem to stand straight, and it will even appear that the Great Race has absconded with a letter or two.
It would be only a slight exaggeration to say that in this edition the text is alive: it moves between pages and hounds the investigator while the illustrations commune with, complement, and partake of the text in a special synergy where the text is viewed and the image is read.
The following is only a small sample of what is found inside the 480 pages of the Call of Cthulhu in this edition of true cosmic horror.
Graphic Design and Art Direction by David Ardila
Layout by Luis E. Sánchez-Mateos Murat
Call of Cthulhu es © Chaosium, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna otra referencia a material con copyright constituye una afrenta a los respectivos propietarios de sus derechos comerciales. Call of Cthulhu y todos los logotipos asociados son marcas comerciales de Chaosium, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition / Graphic Design


Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition / Graphic Design

Exclusive Graphic Design for the Spanish Version of Call of Cthulhu RPG 6th Edition
