As part of a bigger commission I was asked to create two vignette illustrations for a company's extraction process merchandising. The freedom of design was open, and in the process I tried to look at the abstraction of the process and then minimalising it to a state that would create an effective and clever illustration.

The two illustrations involved the notion of extracting liquid from a product in order to gain (what the client called) sap. So the delivery of the final extract was maintained and the vignettes were then designed to show the processes, via mechanical (the chroming) from the organic (the natural elements) of the process.

Tools: Photoshop and Wacom Sapphire
Sketch time: 1 hours
Render Time: 7 hours
Layers: 7 (each)
The first of the two vignettes required a simple understanding of the extraction process, in a more clever and abstract way. By taking the process down to it's most simple elements (machine, produce, extract) it was possible to see a simplified version that resulted in final illustration.
The second of the two vignettes was a little more complex, but at the same time needed to retain the element of simplicity and abstraction. This time the process required the vignette to portray the process to deliver the sap into a tea form.



Two vignettes of a chromed process to extract sap for organic produce.
