Website criado para a pesquisadora e gestora cultural, Tiemi Otomura, compartilhar suas ideias, textos e ações.
Desenvolvido em Genesis Framework para Wordpress.
O legal desse trabalho foi a proposta da Tiemi de utilizar belas artes de artistas que ela encontra pela internet, sempre dando os devidos créditos e contando um pouco sobre o autor, como forma de incentivar a divulgação dos artistas.
Website created to the researcher and cultural manager, Tiemi Otomura, so she could share her ideas, texts and actions.
Developed using Genesis Framework.
The coolest thing about this job was Tiemi's proposal to use great illustrations from great artists found on the internet - always giving the due credits and telling a little bit about the artists - as a way to contribute with divulgation of their art here in Brazil.

Website created to the researcher and cultural manager, Tiemi Otomura, so she could share her ideas, texts and actions. Developed using Genesis Read More


Creative Fields