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Spiral-Channels Earth Day

The spiral is a shape that can be found almost everywhere, specially in nature. 
April 22, the "Earth Day" and my friend Vlado Franjević with his SPIRAL-CHANNELS project has planned a series of activities to help promote this event through his website, and he needed a logo for the occasion, so I came up with this idea. The concept behind the logo is "SPIRAL-CHANNELS participate in EARTH DAY", so with that in mind, I instantly thought about images of natural spirals that we can easily find around nature, and what a perfect opportunity to create an icon with earthly conscience. A logo that bears the spiral itself, a spiral which can be found everywhere, even in the simplest forms of nature found in the earth.
Web article regarding the logo and myself.
Feel free to visit Vlado's website! There are lots of interesting activities, and you can be a part of it too!
Spiral-Channels Earth Day


Spiral-Channels Earth Day

Logo for SPIRAL-CHANNELS Earth Day
