100% Wool, Acid Dye, focus on ranges of blue
100% Wool, Acid Dye, focus on earth tones
100% Wool, Acid Dye, focus on neutrals and earth tones
100% Silk Gauze, Exploration with Batik
Detail of Batik Exploration
100% Silk Gauze, Exploration with Batik 2
Detail of Exploration with Batik 2
Cotton Broadcloth, Bamboo/Rayon, Fiber Reactive Dye, focus on blues and greens
100% Silk Crepe de Chine, Fiber Reactive Dye, pale, medium, and dark shades of seafoam
100% Silk Crepe de Chine, Bamboo/Rayon, 100% Cotton fabrics, Fiber Reactive Immersion Dye, focus on blues
Bamboo/Rayon, Mokumé Shibori technique, post stitch, pre gather, and pre dye
Mokumé Shibori technique, post stitch, post gather, and pre dye
Detail of gathered Mokumé Shibori
Mokumé Shibori, post fiber reactive dye bath
Mokumé Shibori, final product
100% Polyester, Heat Transfer technique with presperse dye, detail of printed fabric and original painting
100% Polyester, Heat Transfer technique with prosperse dye
Dye or Die
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Dye or Die

This is a body of work I created with the knowledge I gained from taking a dye class at the Savannah College of Art and Design from January-March Lire la suite

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